Greenville First Presbyterian offers a variety of services for all ages.  
(Nursery care is available during Sunday Services.)

Regular Service Schedule 

  • Sunday School  9:30 a.m. - One hour Sunday School classes are available for ages preschool through adult.

  • Worship Service 10:30 a.m. - Our service is a blend of contemporary and traditional, with a combination of praise, hymns, and sermon.

  • Youth Logos  Wednesdays - The LOGOS Program is a Wednesday night youth program offered to children preschool through grade twelve.  The LOGOS program seeks to provide in-depth and well-rounded Christian nurture for youth and children of the church and community.  Click here for more LOGOS information.

God's Living Word Television Broadcast Wednesdays 8 p.m. Greenville Area Cable Access Ch. 3 - Weekly 1-hour program featuring music, praise and sermon.

88.9 JOY-FM Radio Sunday's 8:30 a.m. - A weekly 20-minute radio program featuring the a sermon by Dr. John Person.

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