Church Ministries Christian Education Television/Radio Bethel Bible SeriesBethel provides a solid biblical background in both the Old
Testament and the New Testament. It also traces God's promise in Genesis
that we are "blessed to be a blessing." While no tests or
memorization is required, this study will help you to understand God's plan
of salvation and what God is doing in the world. Bethel will help you
grasp God's great love for all of us. Back to TopChristian EducationThe Christian Education Committee seeks to maintain the educational programs of our church while investigating and pursuing ways to improve the Sunday School program. The CE Committee's vision is to create a Bible interactive, vibrant program that uses the skills and talents of the congregation to develop a faith-based Christ centered experience for the Sunday School Youth program. This fall a new Workshop Rotation program, which utilizes a learning center approach, was implemented by the committee. John Vehre serves as the Sunday School Superintendent and
coordinates the activities of the committee. Holly Finnarn is the Workshop
Rotation Coordinator. Back to TopMedia Outreach Ministries
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